
While it is important to receive it is equally valuable to serve. It is a necessary and exciting way to grow in Jesus. Cultivating a servant's heart and attitude is to be more like Jesus. 

Service teams are instrumental in providing the care that goes into preparing for and having our gatherings. Plus, service ministries touch lives in practical ways in order to convey the compassionate love of Jesus to our community and new comers alike.

There is also the understanding that as Christians, wherever we go and whatever we do we are to extend refreshing to the world around us. Proverbs says, The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

Below is a description of different types of opportunities to get involved in and serve within and outside the church campus..

We invite you to find one that fits and get involved so that your walk with Jesus will be strengthened.

Click here to request info on a particular place of service or to jump right in and get involved.

  • Audio / video

    ministry leader: Julie Mcmullens

    The audio/visual teams play an integral role in worship, teaching of God’s Word, and spreading information to our church family. Working behind the scenes together with the worship team, the pastor, and other teams, we increase the effectiveness of each ministry. Through sound and multimedia, we enhance the presentation of the gospel in order to draw people to Christ.

  • Coolbeans Cafe

    Experience a little taste of heaven. Stop by WellSpring 's Coffee Lounge and get one of a variety of hot, cold and blended espresso drinks. You won't be disappointed and it will help you stay awake while listening to Pastor Scott!

  • Grab & go

    ministry leader: marc broom

    “What You Do To The Least Of These You Do to Me” (Jesus). 

    Every Saturday at 10a we serve our local community by distributing food through Grab & Go Ministry. Peopel drive up and we put together several bags of groceries for them and offering prayer for anyone who would like to receive prayer.

    We also need help on Thrusday nights from 6-7:30p to prepare the food for the distribution on Saturday.




    Every Tuesday as part of an afternoon program WellSpring reaches into our local elementary school to teach the good new of Jesus. It's an awesome experience for kids attending Danube.

  • hospitality

    ministry leader: Jessica Martiez

    On a regular basis WellSpring provides refreshments for visitors and regulars alike. Food is a great way to convey friendship and provide an environment for conversation. In fact, sitting down and having a meal with someone in the Bible was considered family. 

  • Life Group

    Ministry leader: David Martinez

    Host a Life Group in your home. It's a great way to use a gift of hospitality and get build some deep and meaningful friendships.



    These were His [Jesus'] instructions to them: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields."

    Luke 10:2

    In light of scriptures like this, WellSpring believes that we are God's plan "A" to share His love with a broken and lost world. He has no plan "B." Therefore we look for creative ways to communicate God's amazing grace displayed through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

    Not only does personal evangelism serve as one of WellSpring's core values, but it is one of the three cornerstones for which we believe we exist as a church.

  • ushers

    ministry leader: Scott Cooper

    As Ushers, our mission is to make people feel welcome and comfortable here at WellSpring. If we do our job well, it’s likely that nobody will be aware of us. We care for the physical environment of the areas used on Sunday mornings, and seek to minimize distractions during service. Our heart is to serve God by serving His family.