Good Morning wellspring

        As many of you may have heard, we have had major fires break out in the SoCal area overnight. These fires are still ongoing and have affected many families. Our hearts go out to all who have been affected by the fires. If you or your family has been effected and need some help. Please reach out. We are here. We also ask that you keep our Church campus and community in prayer. As we are in the warning zone.

        There is power in prayer and our communities need that power now more than ever. 

I'm reminded this morning of the promise in Pslam 148:13-14

Let them all praise the name of the Lord. 

    For His name is very great; 

    His glory towers over the earth and heaven!

He has made His people strong, 

    honoring His faithful ones— 

    the people of Israel who are close to Him

Praise the lord!

The psalmist here tells us of two great promises.

One is that the Lord makes strong those who are close to Him. In any time of danger we know that we will be strengthened by coming close to Him.

The second is that the Lord honors His faithful ones. So in this promise we know that as we pray for the winds to stop, the fires to turn off, the firefighters & families to be protected, and healing to come to those whom have been affected, we know that God will honor our prayers because we are His faithful ones and He honors His faithful ones.

WellSpring lets continue to bring the power of prayer!

God bless,

Pastor David